
IGCSE Geography

  • Course level: Geography


The aims of this course are to enable students to have an understanding of location on a local, regional and global scale and an awareness of the characteristics, distribution and processes affecting contrasting physical and human environments. It helps them develop an understanding of the ways in which people interact with each other and with their environment. The students understand the contrasting opportunities and constraints presented by different environments and develop an appreciation of and concern for the environment while also developing an appreciation of the earth including its people, places, landscapes, natural processes and phenomena.Students learn themes such as Population and settlement, The natural environment Theme and Economic development.

What Will I Learn?

  • Mastery of core curriculum topics
  • Unique question-specific strategies
  • Exam techniques practised through extensive question practice and personalised feedback
  • Time management strategies
  • An applied understanding and appreciation of the subject beyond the syllabus
  • Lifelong subject and interdisciplinary skills
  • How to achieve excellent grades

Topic Areas

Knowledge with Understanding

Candidates are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of processes that contribute to the development of different environments and identify their effects. They also understand the relationships between human activity and the environment as well as the importance of skill. They are also able to understand the changes which occur through time in places.

Skills and Analysis

Judgement and Decision Making

About the instructors

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94 Courses

591 students